Digital humanities

Maintained by: David J. Birnbaum ( [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported License] Last modified: 2023-04-11T22:00:35+0000

Spring 2023 (2234) project showcase

The first part of our project showcase, on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, will feature the following three projects:

Start time End time Project title
10:00 10:15 Ready to die - Notorious B.I.G. (1994)
Rainier Acierto, Rebecca Benjamin, Mayah Mbangah
10:15 10:17 (Tech change)
10:17 10:32 Themes in inaugural addresses
Preetam Bhamidipati, Jack Gutch, Tai Shanahan
10:32 10:34 (Tech change)
10:34 10:49 Examining grief and emotional response in Homer’s Iliad
Nikhita Chakraborty, Meghan Hannum, Pamela Smith

The second part of our project showcase, on Friday, April 21, 2023, will feature the following three projects:

Start time End time Project title
10:00 10:15 Translating the untranslatable: comparative analysis of Qur’anic poetics
MK Dryer, Austin Malone, Aisha Vallopra
10:15 10:17 (Tech change)
10:17 10:32 Zhuangzi and Taoism
Sam Browne, Hanwen Huang
10:32 10:34 (Tech change)
10:34 10:49 Blues women: exploring social positions through song lyrics
India Krug, Madelyn Miles, Claire Stemmer