Authors: Janis Chinn and Gabrielle Kirilloff
Maintained by: David J. Birnbaum (
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Digital humanities students at the University of Pittsburgh
We were surprised to hear during the December 16, 2011 NITLE web seminar on undergraduate DH instruction a recurring motif along the lines that coding (markup and programming) is so difficult that undergraduates trained in the humanities cannot learn it quickly or successfully, and so potentially alienating and anxiety-provoking that it should be regarded as too advanced to be considered a core component of the undergraduate DH curriculum. As two undergraduate humanities majors (English Literature and Linguistics) with no prior technical background, we would like to share our own experiences with learning and using computational tools. We hope that our very positive experience will encourage faculty elsewhere to give their undergraduate students the opportunity to become deeply and seriously involved with this exciting and rewarding aspect of DH scholarship.
Admittedly, unfamiliar technology may initially appear overwhelming. Many humanities
scholars (our past selves included) experience a moment of panic when viewing
, which is often regarded as obtuse and amorphous scrawl best left in the
capable hands of the more mathematically inclined. As past subscribers to this
overgeneralization, we would like to point out that the type of coding used by most DH
scholars is no harder, and perhaps easier, to learn than any foreign language. As many
humanities majors can testify, learning a foreign language may initially seem
overwhelming, but the rewards are substantial.
The primary types of computational tools we employ, XML and XML-related technologies, are used to describe texts. Thus, even when we use computational tools, our focus is always on the text, and in that respect no different from the way humanities scholars have always engaged with their discipline. Consequently, we have often found that in our own DH research the difficulties that arise are due to philosophical questions about our texts, rather than coding-related problems. This also means that the skills most humanities majors have mastered as part of their academic training, such as formulating research questions and reading critically, carry over easily and naturally into the world of humanities computing.
We were both able to learn XML and a wide range of related technologies and incorporate them into our own research over the course of a few months. The basics of XML itself take only a few days to master at a level that enabled us to begin to conduct real research with our texts. In the course we teach at the University of Pittsburgh, Computational Methods in the Humanities, students are able to begin to encode a document with XML after the first one-hour class session. These students are humanities majors and almost all of them have no previous experience with computer programming or digital text technology. Most have never even seen an angle bracket before. We found that in our experiences learning to use and develop computational tools, a little goes a long way. Even before mastering a broad range of technologies we were able to encode texts, perform queries on our documents, and create webpages. By the end of our one-semester course, students have used humanities computing methods—both markup and creating programs to query and manipulate their texts—to investigate a specific research question in ways they could not do realistically by hand.
Our course is listed through the Honors College at the University of Pittsburgh, which means there’s a GPA requirement (B+ average) to enroll, and also that the work put into the course is expected to be more rigorous than a normal class might be. We cover a large number of technologies and concepts in 16 weeks and the course culminates in a final project, where students apply these methods to texts and research questions of their choice. The course begins with XML, and moves on to XPath, XSLT, XQuery, basic HTML, SVG, and CSS, introducing Javascript, PHP, and R along the way, This is the second term the course has been offered, and we are refining the structure and content in response to our successes and failures last time, but the fall semester was a general success and the students kept pace with the fast flow of information quite well.
In our experience we have found that the pay-off for learning XML is immediate, and is
firmly rooted in the core values of the humanities: analyzing a document, developing a
schema to model its structure, and marking it up enables us to see the text in a new
way. In our own research we both found that encoding our texts with XML made us rethink
our previous conceptions about certain elements of those texts. This is one of the most
fulfilling aspects of text encoding. Humanities computing that incorporates, and even
emphasizes, markup, programming, and text processing opens up a whole new world of
scholarly possibilities, and it is fully accessible to interested and engaged
undergraduate humanities majors even if they have no prior technological expertise,
which we know to be true because it is our own lived experience. You can ask new
questions of your text, create visualizations that make previously invisible patterns
and trends accessible, and create tools for other scholars to use. Although what we used
to call humanities computing
may not fully define the goals and methods of DH, we
think it is a valuable asset that can safely and effectively serve as the focal point of
at least some DH courses for undergraduate students in the humanities, and that it
should at least be addressed in some way in every DH curriculum. Humanities students and
professors should not be afraid of humanities computing. Like many humanities majors at
liberal arts colleges, we came into DH with little to no coding experience and today our
projects incorporate technologies that allow us to explore questions previously
inaccessible in their scope and subject matter. We would like to encourage the NITLE
community to be willing to give their students the same opportunities that we have
About this essay: This essay originally appeared on 2012-01-31 on Techne, the former blog site of the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education [NITLE].
About the authors: When this article was first published in January 2012,
Janis Chinn was a senior Linguistics major at the University of Pittsburgh and
Gabrielle Kirilloff was a senior English Literature major at the same institution.
Both were undergraduate teaching assistants in Computational Methods in the
which is cross-listed in eight academic departments and which is one of the very few
courses that satisfies the University’s general-education requirement in
Quantitative and Formal Reasoning
in a way that can be integrated with
the academic interests of humanities students.
Janis’s project when she was a student in our course is My immortal, and she developed Twitter register variation as a University Honors College Brackenridge Research Fellowship. After several years as a member of the PraeceDev IT consulting team, where she created custom dynamic websites and consults on online content strategy tailored to each client’s unique needs, she is now Assistant Director of the Huntington Learning Center in Seattle, WA.
Gabi developed Exploring speech in Russian fairy tales as her David C. Frederick Honors College BPhil project before she became a teaching assistant in our course, and links to some of her writings and other projects are available at her homepage. After earning MA (University of Rochester, 2013) and PhD (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2018) degrees in English literature, Gabi is now an Assistant Professor of English at Washington University. She has worked for several digital projects, including the William Blake Archive, the Willa Cather Archive, and the Walt Whitman Archive. In addition to her work on archival projects, Gabi has also contributed to several large scale text analysis projects.