Maintained by: David J. Birnbaum (
Last modified:
GitHub Pages supports the publication of GitHub markdown and HTML files in a traditional web interface. GitHub already formats markdown pages during viewing, but it does that with limitations: the page is rendered inside a GitHub template (which contains information that is important for developers, but not for general readers) and there is no support for custom CSS. GitHub Pages does not support PHP or SSI, but it does provide it’s own scripting language. GitHub pages are built continuously; when you update a GitHub resource that is part of your GitHub Pages content, the GitHub Pages view is regenerated automatically. The site generation engine behind GitHub Pages, which converts markdown to HTML and interprets themes, includes, variables, plugins, etc., is Jekyll.
GitHub provides the following tutorial links:
You can learn more about Jekyll at their home page.
Our first encounter with GitHub Pages was in the context of Make your
edition: models and methods for digital textual scholarship
, an
NEH-supported Institute in Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities. The GitHub repo
for the Institute is at, and
the GitHub Pages view is at
There are several GitHub Pages tutorials available on the Web, but the configuration we eventually adopted draws on several of them, and we weren’t able to find all of the information we needed in one place. This is a summary of how we configured our site.
GitHub Pages is available for any GitHub repo, but it is not enabled by default. To enable it, go into Settings, scroll down, and do the following:
Turning on GitHub Pages causes a file called _config.yml to be created in the top-level directory of your repo. Ours looks like:
theme: jekyll-theme-slate
title: NEH Institute materials
description: July 2017
baseurl: /Institute-Materials-2017
By default the only entry that will be is for the theme, and we added the other
three. The optional title and description appear at the top of your GitHub pages as
HTML <h1>
elements. GitHub Pages will find a
default title if you don’t specify one (in our case, it used the
-formatted first line of our main file). You need to add the baseurl value, which should be the
name of your repo preceded by a slash. Since our repo is at
, our
baseurl value is /Institute-Materials-2017
. The baseurl value helps GitHub
Pages identify links correctly.
Your theme comes with a default layout. If you want to customize it, create a top-level subdirectory called _layouts and follow the instructions for at Customizing your Jekyll theme's HTML layout. In our case, we wanted to include a navigation bar, using a GitHub Pages include. We did this by modifying the Header portion of the default layout by adding the highlighted line below:
<!-- HEADER -->
<div id="header_wrap" class="outer">
<header class="inner">
<a id="forkme_banner" href="{{ site.github.repository_url }}">View on GitHub</a>
<h1 id="project_title">{{ site.title | default: site.github.repository_name }}</h1>
<h2 id="project_tagline">{{ site.description | default: site.github.project_tagline }}</h2>
{% if site.show_downloads %}
<section id="downloads">
<a class="zip_download_link" href="{{ site.github.zip_url }}">Download this project as a .zip file</a>
<a class="tar_download_link" href="{{ site.github.tar_url }}">Download this project as a tar.gz file</a>
{% endif %}
{% include nav.html %}
The theme comes with default CSS styling. If you want to customize it, follow the
instructions at Customizing your Jekyll theme’s CSS. We wanted to add some right padding to
some images, so we gave them a @class
value of rpad
in the markdown (markdown doesn’t have HTML classes, but since
it’s possible to include HTML with CSS, we switched into real HTML for that) and
modified our CSS as follows:
@import "{{ site.theme }}";
.rpad {padding-right: 1em;}
Actually, markdown does have HTML classes, but they also show up as plain text in the default rendering in the GitHub repo, so including them in the markdown enhances the GitHub Pages functionality while impinging on the regular GitHub formatted view, which is why we don’t use them. See Jekyll tip: adding styling To HTML output for details.
GitHub Pages can include other files, similarly to SSI or PHP includes, but in this case the files to be included must be located in a top-level subdirectory called _includes. To include our navigation bar, we create the _includes subdirectory and then create nav.html inside it. Here is the text of our nav.html file:
<p style="text-align: center; background-color: white;">
<a href="{{site.baseurl}}/">Home</a> |
<a href="{{site.baseurl}}/admin/">Admin</a> |
<a href="{{site.baseurl}}/schedule/week_1/">Week 1</a> |
<a href="{{site.baseurl}}/schedule/week_2/">Week 2</a> |
<a href="{{site.baseurl}}/schedule/week_3/">Week 3</a> |
<a href="{{site.baseurl}}/general/">Misc</a>
We use the baserul value that we created in _config.yml to ensure that the links will find the files. The trailing slashes need to be there.
GitHub pages follow links using relative paths, so if you have a link in your main page like
, when the GitHub Pages
user clicks on the link, an HTMLified version of the file in the
admin subdirectory will be loaded. But navigation paths in GitHub pages
are not able to use the ..
notation to move
upward in the DOM tree, which means that if you want to link to something that is
not a sibling or descendant of the current page, you need to use an absolute path,
which is what we’ve done in our navigation bar (and we would have needed absolute
links in any case because the bar is included in pages at all levels of the
In order to make the main pages in each major subdirectory accessible from the navigation bar, in addition to linking to them, we needed to create a yml prefix, which looks like:
You can set variables and include other page-specific metadata between the two triple-dashed lines, but the lines must be there, even if there is nothing between them. GitHub Pages does not default to when you navigate to a subdirectory, so in order to make it load the main file for that subdirectory automatically, we specified a permalink in the yml header. For example, for the file inside our top-level admin subfolder, our yml header looks line:
permalink: /admin/
The leading and trailing slashes need to be there. The permalink value for our main page is just /
. The yml
header information shows up in the regular formatted GitHub view of markdown files
as a table at the top, which is sort of annoying, since it isn’t part of what we
would consider page content.